First of all, I wish Yami a happy 6th birthday, a prosperous business, more and more prosperous! 🎉🎉🎉 I finally got the internet celebrity fried dough sticks. I couldn’t find them on the menu, so I told the clerk directly “Donut sticks”. There are 6 sticks in one serving, and one is only the size of a finger. The surface of the dough sticks is sprinkled with a layer of white sugar and cinnamon. Noodles, the taste is sweet and crispy, it feels okay, not as delicious as I imagined, but it may be because my fried dough sticks are cold, if it is hot, it should taste a lot better, if you don't want to add white sugar and cinnamon powder, You can tell the clerk "No sugar and cinnamon." I heard that the taste will be very similar to domestic fried dough sticks. I must try it next time! 😉😉😉 # 我的早餐打卡 # # 亚米真的6 # # 趁着春光去旅行 # # 亚米晒单# # # 手机里舍不得删的照片 #
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亚米精選 首先,祝亚米6周年生日快乐,生意兴隆,越办越红火!🎉🎉🎉 我终于吃到网红油条,menu上好像找不到,我就直接跟店员说"Donut sticks",一份有6根,一根也只有手指的大小,油条表面洒上一层白砂糖和肉桂粉,味道甜甜和酥脆的,感觉还行,没有想像中好吃,不过可能是因为我的这份油条是冷的,如果热的话应该会好吃很多,如果不想加白砂糖和肉桂粉,可以跟店员说"No sugar and cinnamon.",听说味道会很像国内的油条,我下次一定要试试看!😉😉😉 # 我的早餐打卡 # # 亚米真的6 # # 趁着春光去旅行 # # 亚米晒单# # # 手机里舍不得删的照片 #