Forward a few friends to send me aurora from the North Pole! These are some of the photos that I have always cherished on my phone! It's a pity that I couldn't watch the aurora with my best friend for some reason! When she saw the aurora, she immediately sent a photo to share with me I hope our friendship will always be as beautiful as the Aurora photo by Nana # 手机里舍不得删的照片 # # 趁着春光去旅行 #
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亚米精選 转发几张朋友从北极发给我极光! 这几张也是我手机里一直珍藏的照片! 出于某些原因没能跟闺蜜一起看极光真的很遗憾! 当她看到极光第一时间就发来照片跟我分享 希望我们友情也跟极光一样一直这么美好 photo by 娜娜# 手机里舍不得删的照片 # # 趁着春光去旅行 #