❥ This is the lipstick I bought at Chanel Cafe in 2017. This lipstick was in the mouth of the professional beauty consultant that day. I bought it because it was so beautiful. 🤩
❥ This is ROUGE COCO SHINE 118 Energy soft and translucent lip balm, this one does not need a lip balm primer at all, it is very moisturizing directly. Although the color looks very dark, it is actually good to rub it on, and it is super beautiful. 😍
# 我要上精选 # # 团长群BO # # 赢卡婷限量礼盒 # # 新年红运妆 # # 我要当测评官第4期 #

❥这是我2017在Chanel Cafe购买的口红,当天专业美容顾问嘴里就是这一支口红,因为太好看了便购买了。🤩
❥这是ROUGE COCO SHINE 118 Energy 柔润透亮唇膏,这款完全不需要润唇膏打底,直接涂就很润。虽然颜色看似很深,其实擦上去还好,超级好看的。😍
# 我要上精选 # # 团长群BO # # 赢卡婷限量礼盒 # # 新年红运妆 # # 我要当测评官第4期 #