Key words: temperament pinkish, fluorescent
Elson is the safest and most versatile color in this collection I think, and anyone who wears this red will look very stylish. The thin coating will have a pink tone, which is very much a color of the royal sister. Although it has a fluorescent tone, there is no need to worry about Huang Erbai, and the freckled girl needs concealer.
# 2018剁手红榜 # # 小雨帽的试色日记 # # 有点小贵但好用 # # 新年红运妆 # # 小雨帽的口红试色 #
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# 2018剁手红榜 # # 小雨帽的试色日记 # # 有点小贵但好用 # # 新年红运妆 # # 小雨帽的口红试色 #