Recommended | Trader Joe's Instant Thai Shrimp Fried Rice Today I'm too lazy to post a map and make and eat it. By the way, I'll clean up the camera inventory and recommend Uncle Quode's new Thai-style shrimp fried rice! At 4.99, there are almost four shrimps in a pack. I think it is quite good value. The point is that the seasoning is not bad! Although I think it may be a sigh of relief, but the price is so convenient, I don't think there is anything to choose from. You can see lemongrass and spices in it, and the rice is jasmine rice. It smells so good when it's fried! The amount is also very large. To be honest, it is very conscientious to make such a quick freeze in the supermarket.
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亚米精選 推荐 | Trader Joe速食泰式虾仁炒饭 今天懒得导图发做的吃的了顺便清理一下相机存货 给你们推荐一下缺德舅新出的泰式虾仁炒饭啦! 4.99一包里面差不多有四个虾仁我觉得还是蛮超值的,重点是调味我觉得还不错! 虽然我觉得可能还差一口气但是这个价格还那么方便我觉得也没啥好挑的了。 里面能看到柠檬草啊香料啊啥的,米是jasmine rice。炒的时候就觉得挺香的!量也很大,说实话超市速冻做成这样很良心了。