The best pineapple cake I've ever eaten is the Jiade pineapple and a small amount of winter melon that my mother brought back from Taiwan. But now the skin looks like my incense, fresh out of the oven is really different But this is really "the most pineapple-flavored pineapple cake" ⬅️ roommate's original words... I really want to send it back to my country as soon as possible to give my parents a taste Traditional pineapple cakes usually add winter melon, more or less. Some people like to eat winter melon, for example, my mother (who is used to eating it) will have a more chewy texture. Pure pineapples will be slightly sour (for example, the slightly hot hills are famous for their sour...)
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亚米精選 吃过最好吃的凤梨酥是妈从台湾带回来的佳德 凤梨和少量冬瓜 但皮子 现在看来 不如我的香 新鲜出炉确实是不一样的 但这真的真的是“最有凤梨味的凤梨酥”⬅️室友原话… 真想火速寄回国给我爸妈尝尝 传统的凤梨酥一般都会加冬瓜,或多或少。有些人爱吃加冬瓜的,比如我妈(吃惯了比较习惯)内陷口感会更有嚼劲。 纯凤梨做的话会微酸一点(比如微热山丘就是属于有名气里比较酸的…)