Autumn wear and punch card Day5
✨Continue to recommend todayeverlaneSingle item.
✨These booties areeverlaneAt that time, the official website was engaged inchoose what your payThis pair of short boots, the original price195.I picked the cheapest one137 Get started. Available in yellow and black. After entanglement, I went into a more versatile black. There were still a lot of numbers left.

✨Let's talk about its shoes first. I think people who are in love will love it very much. People who don't love it will hate it very much. So radishes and vegetables have their own love. Do your homework before buying.
✨Its shoes are made of pure Italian leather. It will be hard when you just put it on..I personally belong to the person who loves it. I'm going to be poisoned by their shoes. I like many styles. Simple and elegant. It matches my own style of dressing.

✨The length of the short boots I bought this time is really short. to bare feet. It should be the first time I buy such short boots.

✨Boots of this height do not seem to be common. It looks better with pencil pants. When I first received it, I didn't seem to be used to it. The leather is still good.
✨I tried it on with socks on. The overall foot feel is quite comfortable. And the flat bottom is more stable. I don't know if walking for a long time will hurt my feet. It's time to wear it in autumn and winter!

✨这双短靴是everlane当时官网搞choose what your pay的时候入的这双短靴,原价195.我选了最便宜的就是137入手。有黄色和黑色两个颜色。经过纠结还是入了比较百搭的黑色。当时号码还剩挺多的。


