Potato spine soup made with 小肥羊火锅底料; I don’t like Korean style, so I used the hot pot base, which was unexpectedly delicious The practice is also very simple, take out the spine one night in advance, thaw it, wash it, soak it in cold water for more than an hour, soak the mushrooms, peel the potatoes and soak them in water, cut the purple onion into strips, and slice the ginger Boil the spine with ginger for 8 minutes, remove and rinse the residue such as fat and oil, put it into the pressure cooker, add onion, ginger, and halved mushrooms, and simmer for about 1 hour. The pressure cooker will be simmered for such a long time. If you want to continue cooking in the hot pot, simmer for 20 minutes less. Prepare the cabbage, wash it, add a small amount of salt and oil and blanch it in water, remove it and rinse it in cold water, tear it in half; after the spine is stewed, add potatoes and a spoonful of salt and stew for 10 minutes Prepare the hot pot base, add half-cut garlic, ginger, onion, cabbage, kimchi (or other vegetables you want to eat, you can add oyster mushrooms, it will be very fresh). After the bones are simmered, pour the bones and soup into the hot pot in, boil and eat
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亚米精選 用小肥羊火锅底料做的土豆脊骨汤;不喜欢韩式做法,所以用的火锅底料,没想象到意外的挺好吃的 做法也很简单,脊骨提前一晚拿出解冻,清洗一遍,冷水浸泡一小时以上,香菇泡发,土豆削皮后整个泡水,紫洋葱切条,姜切片 脊骨加姜焯水8分钟,捞出冲洗干净肥油等渣滓,放入高压锅,加洋葱、姜、对半切开的香菇,炖1小时左右。高压锅这么长会炖得很烂,想在火锅里继续煮入味的就少炖20分钟 准备白菜,清洗干净后加少量盐和油焯水,捞出再冷水冲一遍,对半撕开;脊骨炖好后加土豆和一勺盐再炖10分钟 准备火锅底料,加入对半切开的蒜,姜片、葱、白菜,泡菜(或其他各种想吃的蔬菜,可以加平菇,会很鲜)骨头炖好后将骨头连汤倒入火锅里,煮开开吃