I've been wanting to eat dates with walnuts some time ago~ Hahaha I finally got it ^O^
When I first placed the order, I thought it was a small bag, but I received a big bag today. Wow (⊙o⊙) It is a separate small bag, so I can put it in the bag and carry it at any time to replenish energy when I am hungry. Red dates and raisins are very sweet and walnuts are also very crunchy~ Click on my tag to buy it together!!!

前段时间一直想吃枣夹核桃~ 哈哈哈终于吃到啦^O^
刚开始下单的时候我以为是小包的 结果今天收到好大一包哇(⊙o⊙) 里面是独立小包 所以可以随时放进包包携带 饿的时候补充能量。 红枣和葡萄干都很甜 核桃也很酥脆~ 点击我的tag 一起买吧!!!