COSTCO's soup base for making Bobo Chicken has stunned countless boys and girls!! I have to say that I regret not meeting this soup base from Costco earlier!! It is super fragrant and delicious! It is organic and 0⃣️fat and safe to eat! In addition to making Bobo🐔, you can also have a spoonful when cooking and boiling noodles! The whole taste will be improved by more than one degree!! Very good👍🏻 You can find it in large foreign supermarkets or Costco!! I used it to make the soup base for Bobo Chicken today!! It is so delicious!! This seasoning packet tastes good too! There is only a red oil packet!! There is no technological taste!! It feels very authentic to me haha, its red oil is really fragrant and delicious!! It tastes spicy and spicy and it is especially exciting! ✅Essential ingredients for Bobo Chicken: Tripe | Thousand Layer Tripe | Shrimp | Squid | Beef | Sausage | Thousand Layer Tofu Lettuce | Seafood Mushroom | | Fried Tofu | Lotus Root Slices | Konjac Knots | Potato Chips✅Dipping sauce suggestions: Liupo Chili Noodles + Garlic + Sesame + Chopped Green Onion + Sesame Oil👩🏻‍🍳Method: 1️⃣Prepare your favorite meat and vegetarian dishes! Slice the beef and marinate with cooking wine and white pepper for 15 minutes! Shrimp🍤 can be used directly from frozen! 2️⃣Boil water and cook the ingredients in advance, cook the vegetarian dishes first, then the seafood and finally the meat dishes! 3️⃣Boil 1000ml and add a spoonful of thick soup treasure to melt, then add the oil bag and mix evenly! Put the cooked ingredients into the soup and soak for more than 30 minutes! Finally, sprinkle with chopped green onion or coriander! It is OK to eat it cold or hot! This thick soup treasure + Bobo Chicken seasoning is really amazing!!! It's suitable for people who want to eat but don't want to cook 🐔 soup by themselves😂 It's so convenient!! I think it can be comparable to the taste in the store!! Very delicious👍🏻 In summer, I recommend making it in advance and refrigerating it for a while!! # 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 #
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亚米精選 COSTCO浓汤宝做钵钵鸡香懵无数少男少女!! 不得不说Costco这个浓汤宝相见恨晚!! 超级香浓很鲜美!有机0⃣️脂的放心食用! 除了做钵钵🐔平时做菜煮面也可以来一勺! 整个味道会提升不止一个度!!很不错👍🏻 在大型的老外超市或者Costco都能找到它!! 今天用它做钵钵鸡的汤底!!太鲜美了!! 这个料包味道也是不错的!只有红油包!! 没有科技感的味道!!给我感觉很正宗哈哈 它的是红油真的好香很好吃!! 麻麻辣辣的吃起来特别的带劲啊! ✅钵钵鸡必备食材: 毛肚|千层肚|虾仁|鱿鱼|牛肉|香肠|千页豆腐 莴笋|海鲜菇||油豆腐|藕片|魔芋结|土豆片 ✅蘸料建议: 六婆辣椒面+蒜蓉+芝麻+葱花+香油 👩🏻‍🍳做法: 1️⃣准备自己喜欢的荤菜素菜!牛肉切片加料酒和白胡椒粉腌制15分钟!虾仁🍤可以直接用冷冻的! 2️⃣烧水把食材提前煮熟,先煮素菜再煮海鲜类最后煮荤菜! 3️⃣1000ml煮开加一勺浓汤宝化开,再放油包混合均匀!煮好食材放入汤料浸泡30分钟以上!最后再撒葱花或者香菜!冷吃热吃都很OK! 这个浓汤宝➕钵钵鸡调味料实在是太绝了!!! 适合想吃又不想自己煮🐔汤人士😂太方便!! 我觉得可以媲美店里的味道了!!非常好吃👍🏻 夏天我就建议提前做好放冰箱冷藏一会儿!! # 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 #