October 21, 2023
# 全球购 # Knorr Sour Soup and Fatty Beef Seasoning 95g. It's a repurchase product. To be honest, I don't quite remember what it tastes like. It's not unpleasant anyway.
Sichuan Wazi scallion sauce noodle artifact 230g. It has a little scallion flavor and a soy sauce aroma, a bit like non-sweet fried noodles, but the soybean sauce flavor is weaker. The sauce is quite salty and you don’t use a lot each time, so this small bottle is enough to eat it almost ten times, which is very good value for money. It's just that he doesn't really focus on the onion scent, it's obviously supplementary. It's delicious, but it's completely different from our own slightly sweet scallion noodles with freshly fried scallions. It's a different kind of sauce. 【46】
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# 全球购 # 家乐 酸汤肥牛菜用调味料 95g。是回购款,说实话,我不太记得它是什么味道了,反正不难吃吧。
川娃子 葱油酱 拌面神器 230g。带着一点点葱油味儿,有酱香,有点像是不甜的炸酱面,但是黄豆酱味儿要弱一些的。它这个酱汁其挺咸的,每次用量不会很多,所以这一小瓶子也够吃的快十次,性价比上来说是挺好的。只不过他确实不是以葱香味为主,明显是为辅的。是好吃的,但是跟我们自己家就是现炸的葱油配的那种微微甜口的葱油拌面是完全不一样的。是一种别样的酱汁。【46】