Recently 🐑 again, the cough is a bit dry~ 😪 causes throat discomfort. 方家铺子This pear ointment can clear the lungs, relieve cough and reduce phlegm, and can also reduce summer heat and dryness. I think everyone knows if it is super troublesome to make rock sugar pears by yourself~ This pear cream, 👍only fresh pears🍐, no other additions, the paste is translucent, the texture is attractive, there are no impurities, it is very silky, and it is easy to dig out and eat Yes, you can just brew it with warm water. It is neither sweet nor greasy, and the sweet and sour is just right. A cup of it will brighten your throat sooner or later. # 0placeholder_FOR_ESAay_Translation5295C77AB4854527BF325F6B8B8B2FB # 0Placeholder_FOR_ESAAY_TRANSLEN1DFD289658C843E6D9993E1111111E6D993E11111E6D9993E11111E6D993E111111E6D993E111111E6D993E111111E6D993E111111E6D993E11111E6E111 BCE6 # # 0Placeholder_FOR_ESAAY_TRANSlation0DB796DC08D9482885C36092DBC662B # 0Placeholder_FOR_ESAAY_TRANSlation 22dbb4AFB24849380EB2EB2E D50552380BC # # 0Placeholder_FOR_ESAAY_TRANSLEON7A0C319FA15B4BB0B0B563C7879B223 #

最近又又🐑了,咳嗽有些干燥~😪引起喉咙不舒服。方家铺子这款梨膏,清肺止咳化痰,还可以降暑降燥。我想大家都知道如果自己熬冰糖雪梨是不是超级麻烦~ 这款梨膏,👍只有鲜梨🍐没有添加其它,膏体透亮,质感诱人,均无杂质,非常有拉丝感,直接挖出来吃也可以,或者冲泡温水即可,不甜不腻,酸酸甜甜刚刚好,早晚来一杯嗓子都明亮了。# 方家铺子 ## 值得买的黑科技 # # 再见2022 # # 情你收下吧! # # 亚米经验值+1 #