March 24, 2023
# 亚米经验值+1 #Miss scallion noodles, two servings, the portion is a little less, not enough to eat🥹🥹. The selected scallion oil has a strong fragrance in the mouth, and I finished the noodles for two by myself. The noodles are smooth, add a fried egg, the perfect fast food lunch⋯⋯
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# 亚米经验值+1 #想念蔥油拌麵,兩人份,份量少了一丟丟,不太夠吃🥹🥹。精選的蔥油,入口濃香,而我一個人搞掂兩人份的面。面條細滑,加個煎蛋,完美的快食午餐⋯⋯