January 21, 2023
Lucky me chili fried noodles. The taste of this fried noodles is quite satisfactory, but the spiciness is still quite strong. As the old saying goes, one bag is small, so if you want to eat it, you need to cook two bags. If you are afraid of spicy food, add a la carte when cooking, and neutralize it with eggs or something. #兔然暴富#
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# 兔然就过年了 #
Lucky me辣椒炒面。这个炒面的味道中规中矩,但辣味还是蛮够劲儿的。还是老话,一袋量少,要吃的话要煮两袋才够,怕辣的话煮的时候加点菜,鸡蛋什么的中和一下。# 兔然暴富 #