# 2022年中大促囤货指南 #
How can people who love spicy food not keep a few packets of snail noodles forever at home? Now there are many brands of snail noodles, but I always repurchase the most classic original Liuzhou snail noodles. I fell in love with snail noodles from the beginning. When I don’t know what to eat, I close my eyes and make a bag of snail noodles. would be wrong!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 #
爱吃辣的人家里怎么能不永远囤着几包螺蛳粉呢?现在螺蛳粉牌子很多,但总是会回购最经典的原味螺霸王柳州螺蛳粉,当初爱上螺蛳粉就是从它开始的, 不知道吃什么的时候,就闭眼弄包螺蛳粉,永远不会错!