# 年货好物种草指南 # How many people's childhood memories are in the Arctic Ocean. It is definitely professional to make soft drinks. When you see new products, you will try it. When you see that Grape Qier and Lizhaoer are replenished, they will buy it together and try it. Grape Qi'er, a red wine-flavored sparkling water, sounds too tempting. The alcohol content is less than 0.5%, so you can't taste the wine at all. Babies who are allergic to alcohol don't need to be afraid. It's just a soft drink. The taste of red grapes is really full, but it is a little sweet, but for Chinese New Year, it is to be sweet.
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亚米精選 # 年货好物种草指南 # 北冰洋是多少人的童年回忆啊,做汽水它绝对是专业的,看到它出了新品自然要试试啦,看到萄气儿和莓招儿都补了货就一起买来尝尝。 萄气儿这个红葡萄酒口味的气泡水听起来可太诱人了,酒精含量小于0.5%,一点酒味儿都尝不出,酒精过敏的宝宝们也不用怕,它就是汽水而已。 红葡萄味真的很足,就是稍微有些甜了,但是过年嘛,就是要甜甜蜜蜜啦。