#Japanese Shopping Guide# I bought a hand mask from Ohana Mahaalo. This brand is very cute. The perfume and balm are the most famous. Basically all the floral (and other flavors) are very fond of. I have also bought hand creams, shampoo products, etc. Because I was too lazy to apply hand cream, I made a hand mask while watching Korean dramas on the bed, put on gloves, and put glue on it, so that the essence would not flow out. I even set an alarm clock through the gloves~ After using it, I don't feel any special change. It doesn't feel as good as the hand cream, but it feels good as a kind of enjoyment.
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#日本逛吃图鉴# 买了一个Ohana Mahaalo的手膜,这个牌子的东西都很可爱,香水还有香膏最有名。基本上都是花香的(也有别的味道)都很喜欢。之前还买过护手霜,洗发产品等等。 因为平时懒得涂护手霜,于是趁着在床上看韩剧的时候做了一个手膜,带上手套,贴上胶条,精华也不会流出来。隔着手套我还定了一个闹钟呢~ 用完之后感觉没有特别的变化,感觉不如护手霜的效果那么好,但是感觉作为一种享受还是不错的。