# Happy order Happy life! # # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation98b9ba6e40640a359825a
The taste of these mini Oreo cookies from Bourbon are similar to a regular Oreo cookie, but this one tastes better! The regular Oreo cookie tastes like there is more milk, while the mini ones taste more chocolate-y. The mini ones also taste less sweet. This mini Oreo is a great treat to Oreo lovers!! People who like Oreos should try this out!
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# Happy order Happy life! # # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # # 我要上精华 #
The taste of these mini Oreo cookies from Bourbon are similar to a regular Oreo cookie, but this one tastes better! The regular Oreo cookie tastes like there is more milk, while the mini ones taste more chocolate-y. The mini ones also taste less sweet. This mini Oreo is a great treat to Oreo lovers!! People who like Oreos should try this out!