# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Today I tried a small Korean snack - JAYONE Roasted Rice Snack. I bought this roasted rice from Yami because I especially like to eat rice crockpot recently. The result was completely different from what I imagined. I thought it was the crispy rice under the Korean bibimbap, fragrant and salty. I didn't expect this rice cake to be sweet, and suddenly I felt like eating fried rice candy when I was a child, but it was harder than fried rice. The fragrance is still very fragrant, and students who want to find memories of their childhood can try it. In other words, does fried rice candy reveal age? . .
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亚米精選 # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 今天尝了一个韩国小零食—JAYONE Roasted Rice Snack。 因为最近特别爱吃米锅巴,所以在亚米买了这款roasted rice。 结果一尝,跟想象的完全不一样。 我以为是韩国石锅拌饭下面那种脆锅巴,香香咸咸的。 没想到这个锅巴是甜甜的,突然有种小时候吃炒米糖的感觉,不过比炒米更硬一些。 香还是很香的,想找寻小时候回忆的同学可以尝一尝。 话说,炒米糖是不是暴露年龄了。。。