# 我的早餐打卡 # # 温暖小家养成记 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 萌新报道 # # 减脂餐 # 减脂餐 have to share a wave of protein is breakfast rest are lunch and dinner I usually eat a meal before six thirty remember to eat lunch and more protein in the morning Eat protein-rich meat, fatty foods, don’t eat starchy foods for the time being, don’t eat so much, eat less at night, and don’t eat after seven o’clock. If you’re hungry, you can eat some cucumbers or cherry tomatoes to hold back the scales.

# 我的早餐打卡 # # 温暖小家养成记 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 萌新报道 # # 减脂餐 #给大家分享一波减脂餐 有蛋白的都是早餐 其余的都是午餐 晚餐我通常六点半前吃代餐 记住 早上多吃蛋白 午餐多吃蛋白质的肉 肥腻的食物暂时别吃 淀粉质高的食物别吃那么多 晚上少吃 七点后不要再吃东西了 饿了可以吃点黄瓜或者圣女果 忍住 掉秤很快的