{{sellerTotalView > 1 ? __("sellers", {number: sellerTotalView}) : __("seller", {number: sellerTotalView}) }}, {{numTotalView > 1 ? __("items", {number: numTotalView}) : __("item", {number: numTotalView}) }}




{{email ? __('Got it!') : __('Restock Alert')}}




您申請的個人資訊已準備完成,包含您的個人資訊的郵件已發送至: {{ userEmail }}


{{ accessInfoErrorMsg }}







刪除帳號後,亞米會在法律允許的情況下保留部分訊息,例如訂單歷史。 保留資訊的使用途徑包括但不限於稅務、會計和防止訂單詐欺等目的。



  • 檢查你的垃圾郵件資料夾
  • 聯絡客服:1(800)407-9710 或 help@yamibuy.com


{{ __("delete_account_msg", {email: userEmail}) }}




Comment Guidelines

Yamibuy values your feedback! Yamibuy wants our customers to be able to share authentic feedback and experiences, after using or consuming our products. We hope that all participants will provide honest opinions in order to help other customers. These guidelines will help you with providing the most helpful reviews and feedback for others.

Please note that by uploading or submitting UGC to our platform, you grant Yami a nonexclusive, worldwide license to use, reproduce, distribute, and display the UGC in connection with the promotion of our platform and services, including on other platforms and media. Yami is not required to provide prior notice or payment before using your UGC on any other platforms or media.


● All registered Yamibuy users are eligible to participate and provide feedback.

● No purchase is necessary to leave feedback, as long as it is helpful for other users.

● Only users with verified purchases can leave reviews with pictures.

How to leave relevant and helpful reviews?

● Share about the product: The purpose of product review is to share your experience and opinion after using or consuming the product.

● What information to include: The most helpful review is not just about whether you like or dislike a product, but share the why and reason behind your like or dislike about the product.

● Provide as much details as possible: Description of the products, with details on its functionality, usability, your experience with the product, and the pros and cons of the product to give others a better perspective of the product.

● Dont be too general: One word or one sentence reviews cannot fully reflect the product. We would recommend at least a small paragraph with a few sentences or more.

● Be truthful: Regardless what your opinion is of the product, it is important to be truthful with your review, so it may help others make a better decision.

● Provide pictures: Pictures of the product or how you are using the product could be helpful for others. However, if the product you received has any issue, or you have any questions about how to use the product, please send the picture to help@yamibuy.com so that we may address the issue for you.

What are not allowed?

We value everyones opinion and at the same time ask that everyone respect others opinions. Yamibuy reserves the rights to remove any review without explanation. Contents that are offensive, inappropriate, or violates our guidelines will be removed immediately.

Inappropriate contents/behavior:

● Dont post contents that is libelous, defamatory, harassing, threatening, or inflammatory.

● Dont use obscenities, profanity, or sexually explicit language.

● Dont post discussion that expresses hatred or intolerance for people on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender or gender identity, religious belief, · sexual orientation, age, or disability, including promoting organizations with such views.

● Dont post contents that is obscene, pornographic, or lewd, or contains nudity and sexually explicit images.

● Dont post content that invades others privacy, or include personal information such as phone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses, or other personal information.

● Dont post links to phishing/malware sites, or sites that contains virus or harmful materials.

● Dont post content to impersonate other people or organizations, or pretend to be someone you are not.

● Dont engage in name-calling or attacks on other people, manufacturer, vendors, sellers, or couriers.

Personal Medical Condition/Allergic Reaction:

● Dont post contents relating to yours or others personal health/medical condition or reactions. Due to each persons health condition may vary, if you experience any discomfort or allergic reaction, please stop the use/consumption of the product and seek medical attention immediately. If the condition/reaction was caused due to quality issue of the product, please contact us at help@yamibuy.com.

Promotions and Commercial Solicitations:

● Dont post content regarding your own (or your relatives, close friends, business associates’, or employers) businesses, products or services.

● Dont post content related to sales, deals, discounts, prices, and promotions that are not by Yamibuy.

● Dont post content containing advertisements or solicitations, including URLs with referrer tags or affiliate codes.

● Dont post content in exchange for compensation of any kind (including free or discounted products, refunds, or reimbursements) or on behalf of anyone else.

Additional Guidelines for Product Reviews:

● Please only post review that is directly related to the product itself. If you have any issue with pricing, shipping, packaging, warranty, seller, courier, and/or other service related problems, please contact customer service at help@yamibuy.com.

● Please only post review for the specific product. Reviews related to a different product or under the wrong item may be moved or deleted.

● If you have concerns for the validity and authenticity of the product, manufacturing date, or expiration date please contact us at help@yamibuy.com.

● Customers in the same household may not post multiple reviews of the same product.

● You may not solicit others to leave reviews.

● If your review is removed or rejected because it does not comply with our guidelines, you may not submit a review on the same product, even if the resubmitted review includes different content.

Reporting Abuse

We encourage anyone who suspects that content manipulation is taking place or that our Guidelines are being violated in any way to notify us at help@yamibuy.com. We will investigate the concern thoroughly and take any appropriate actions.

Note: Please note that we take the integrity of our feedbacks very seriously. Any attempt to abuse or cause disruption on our feedback platform, including false, misleading, or inauthentic content, is strictly prohibited. Any violation of our participation guidelines, may result in deletion of content, and up to restriction to further participation. If we determine that an Yamibuy account has been used to engage in any form of misconduct, it may be suspended or permanently forfeited. Misconduct may also violate state and federal laws, including the Federal Trade Commission Act, and can lead to legal action and civil and criminal penalties. 

By participating in our feedback features, you agree to our Conditions of Use and to abide by these Guidelines as modified from time to time. These Guidelines apply to any content (including text, images, video, and links) you submit to Yamibuy and actions you take (such as rating on a product or reporting a post) when using feedback features. These Guidelines also apply to your interactions with other members of the Community.

Please note that Yami is not liable or obligated for any personal disputes arising from comments or community posts.

If there are any disputes not described in these guidelines, Yamibuy reserved the rights to resolve the issue at our discretion. 

