Drop, clock in on day 1⃣️2⃣️👈🏻 I should be thin today because I didn't eat anything... I'll just say one thing: I hate the smell of YSL black opium the most, it's disgusting when I smell it... but I can't say why. # 燃烧卡路里大作战 #
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滴,打卡第1⃣️2⃣️天👈🏻 今天呢应该是会瘦的,因为我没有吃东西… 我只说一句话:我最讨厌YSL黑鸦片的味道,一闻到就恶心到不行…但又说不出任何原因。 # 燃烧卡路里大作战 #