# 摸着良心来种草 # # 超级辣妈计划 # In mid-January, the Crocs family is 20% off, and the clearance area is also participating, and the code is still full. I stocked up on equipment for the next year. The price of three pairs is in the early $40s, remember that the official website is $35 for free shipping. Its sneakers are the first choice for my fat baby with a high instep. I have stocked up for this summer and the furry liner for next winter. Its cave shoes are all between two sizes, and basically a pair can be worn for a year + the first month of the next season🤣, giving Ma Ma the opportunity to buy shoes. This is the first time I bought snow boots from its home. I want to focus on it. The difference from the sneakers is that size 9 is not between 8-9. The velcro design is easy to put on and take off, and the shoe body is waterproof. Most of them are similar to rain. The material of the boots is short fleece inside, which is relatively warm. After experiencing the arctic polar climate last week, UGG can no longer satisfy the life here. Everyone needs a pair of real snow boots that are non-slip, waterproof and warm.
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# 摸着良心来种草 # # 超级辣妈计划 # 一月中旬的时候,Crocs家全场八折,清仓区也参加,码还很全。就给娃囤了来年装备。 三双价格$40出头,记得官网是$35免邮。它家的洞洞鞋就是我家胖高脚背娃的首选,囤了今年夏天穿的,和来年冬季穿的带有毛茸茸内胆的。它家洞洞鞋都是两码之间,基本囤一双可以穿个一年+下一季的头一个月🤣,给了麻麻买鞋的时机。 第一次买它家的snow boots,重点说一说,和洞洞鞋不同的是,size9,而非8-9之间,粘扣设计很好穿脱,鞋身防水,大部分是类似rain boots的材质,内部是短绒的,比较保温。 自从上周体会过北极一般的极地气候后,UGG已经满足不了这儿的生活了,人人都需要一双防滑防水保暖的真·雪地靴。