List of must-have snacks for school

As it turns out, Dazhong doesn't need to care about the delivery from the west warehouse or the east warehouse, their delivery cycle is the sameQVQ span>! !

1⃣️ Spicy sticks and kisses are out of stock, I found this as a substitute. After looking at the ratings and comments, I bought four packs without hesitation. The taste and taste are not inferior to those of spicy strips. I still feel that I bought less! Next time you have to stock up on ten packs.w

2⃣️ Shrimp sticks Not much to say about classic styles

3⃣️Yeah potatoes The packaging is smaller than expected but not much to say about the classic style

4⃣️ I wanted to buy this biscuit for a long time, but I have been losing weight I am too tired to place an order, it doesn't matter now🌝 4.9points , I have said that everything I have eaten is good, I finally bought it, thankful heart

5⃣️Because it’s ready to eat right out of the bag, it’s also included in the list. It’s almost a perfect product, and I’m looking forward to the tastewww

6⃣️&7⃣️ Energy99 Snacks that grew up with me, a small packet to eat For a long time, the necessary snacks in the library are delicious and low in calories (and cheap🤣

This coffee is a substitute for Singapore's three-in-one out-of-stock state. It is not so sweet, and a bag is enough. Follow the snack list.


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1⃣️ 辣条和亲嘴烧都没货了,搜到这个当作替代品。看了看评分和评论毫不犹豫地买了四包,味道口感比之辣条毫不逊色啊,感觉还是买少了!下次得囤十包才够w

2⃣️ 虾条 经典款不多说

3⃣️呀土豆 包装比预期的小 不过经典款不多说

4⃣️ 这款饼干很早就想买啦,但一直被减肥拖累着不敢下单,现在就无所谓啦🌝 4.9分,吃过的都说好,终于买到了,感恩的心


6⃣️&7⃣️ 能量99 伴随我长大的零食,一小包可以吃很久,泡图书馆必备零食,好吃热量还低(还便宜🤣
