Yami 특선

LANEIGE Korea Laneige sleeping mask

Student party, science students (so this article is a bit realistic, romantics should be careful), I am still studying in college, I usually work part-time and take classes, and I am too lazy to move when I get home, not to mention the trouble of applying a mask😕
I heard that there is such a thing as a sleeping mask and wanted to try it
Seeing that the rating on Yami is quite high and the price is very acceptable (there was no discount when I bought it for the first time, it was $24 a bottle (゜-゜)), so I bought it fresh and tried it
Results! Super hydrating!  

The first time I wiped it off, I probably wiped it too much and I fell asleep immediately after I wiped it off. When I slept, my face felt sticky and uncomfortable. When I woke up, I found a sticky layer on my face 

After reading the instructions carefully, I found that I need to apply it evenly, just enough to have a thin film on my face. and! Don't go to sleep after wiping! Be sure to wait ten minutes before going to sleep!
Afterwards the effect is really great✌
Wake up and find that it has been absorbed. When I wash my face with warm water, I feel that a layer of slippery film has been washed away, and then I will find that my face is much hydrated and my complexion is much better (but I also need to sleep more)  ;

I'm lazy, I only use it once a week, so it took half a year to get a bottle. Normally, if I use it every two or three days, a bottle can last about three or four months.
Take advantage of the 15% discount on Double Eleven, hurry up and stock up on a bottle✌
(The bottle is so cute I don't want to throw it away... Can anyone teach me what to do with it hahaha)




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Yami 특선

LANEIGE 韩国兰芝睡眠面膜第一次空瓶赏脸看看呗

学生党,理科生(所以这篇东西有点写实风,浪漫主义者慎入), 本人还在读college,平时打工上课,回到家都懒得动更别提敷面膜这种麻烦事了😕





