Dango's first Halloween 🎃 is a unicorn 🦄️. Clothes are purchased at Target, which has a discount of 25➖5.
The clothes are divided into long-sleeved inner shirt and pants, and the outer is a unicorn furry short-sleeved hood.
Considering that the child is still young, I chose this absolutely warm dress.
The dumpling should be the fattest one in history. 😂There is an elastic under the short-sleeved hood, and it all got stuck on the child's stomach, so he has a big belly 😂.
On the first Halloween of the dumplings, I was very happy as a mother haha.. Still wondering if the whole family should buy this set, the target has adult models.
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团子的第一个万圣节我当妈的非常幸福哈哈.. 还在想要不要一家人都买这个套装,target有成人款。