Bubble hair dye to share!I saw mm using this new hair dye, the hair color is red, and it is very natural, I also bought it and tried it!My hair has been dyed before, especially the head has grown a lot of black hair, this time with bubble hair dye, you can clearly see the difference, although it
# 百万积分第7季 #Newly purchased hair dye, hope it works wellAutumn is here, change your hair color
I bleached my own hair and bought a bunch of hair dye
Unlimited repurchase of milk tea~ The hair dye has not been used, I hope the color is positive☺️
Mindful Kao Foaming Hair Dye and Pola Shampoo
Kao hair dye is my must buy every 3 months, cheap and too useful.
秀羊 Yamibuy VIP
October 23, 2018
If you need a Yami discount code, you can see my profile. Welcome to the group
如果需要亚米折扣码 可以看我个人简介哦 欢迎入群
October 23, 2018
If you need a Yami discount code, you can see my profile. Welcome to the group
如果需要亚米折扣码 可以看我个人简介哦 欢迎入群