"Cast Iron Pot" Food Bak Kut Teh
Today I want to share a deceptive, yet incredibly simple and rude soup. Bak Kut Teh (Bak Kut Teh) euphemistically called tea, in fact it has no tea ingredients at all. It is located in the area of Malaysia and Singapore. The popular breakfast is usually eaten with rice and fried dough sticks. The more advanced ones will also add sea cucumber and abalone to stew together. When I want to bluff, I cook a pot and tell everyone about the soup I spent a lot of time cooking😜
The material is very simple
Pork ribs over water
A pack of fried tofu
One pack of bak kut teh spice pack (this time the test is Yang Hip Shing brand)
Soy sauce, oil consumption
Fill the cast iron pot with2/3water, and throw the spice packet down first Bring to a boil, after the water is boiled, put the ribs, bean soaked, mushrooms, and garlic. After rolling again, cover and simmer for an hour. Then add soy sauce, use oil to taste, and roll for 15minutes to drink. If you like it, you can add some rape seedlings before starting the pot. I secretly sprinkled a handful of wolfberry in it, and I like the taste😬
Package thoughts:
Yang Hip Shing's Bak Kut Teh Spice Pack has recipes in Chinese and English. I have used many kinds of spice packs, this one is not the best, it can only be regarded as acceptable. The Chinese medicine taste is not too strong, but it is enough. The advantage is that the price is cheap, and Yami has stock.
Finally sharing my pink Le Crusetcast iron pot birth photo. Mine is pink with silver29sizeoval span>type,4.7LiterMedium size, can be cooked once< span class="s2">4-6Serving size. Oval-shaped pans are better than round ones, because a lot of the time we cook more long-shaped pans. And this shape does not need to cut the food into small to accommodate the pot. This pot is the one I use the most in all of my cast iron pots. It is used for boiling sugar water, simmering, and stewing soup. The advantage of the cast iron pan is that you can fry the ingredients first, then cover the lid and simmer on medium and low heat, and I don't look at the fire. Although the price is small, it can be used for a lifetime if it is well protected.

今天要分享的是一道能夠騙人,卻簡單粗暴的不得了的濃湯。肉骨茶(Bak Kut Teh)美其名叫茶,事實上完全沒有茶葉的成份,是馬來西亞新加坡一帶盛行的早餐,一般配以白飯,油條一起吃。高級一點的還會加入海參,鮑魚一同燜煮。我想要唬人的時候就會煮一鍋,然後跟大家說我花了好多時間煲出來的湯😜
最後分享一下我的粉色Le Cruset鑄鐵鍋出生照。我的這款是粉紅色搭配銀色29號oval型,4.7Liter的中尺寸,一次可以煮4-6人份的量。橢圓形的鍋子比圓形好,因為很多時候我們烹飪的食物以長型較多。而這個形狀就不用特意把食物切小來遷就鍋子。這個鍋子是我全部鑄鐵鍋裡用到最多的一個,煮糖水,燜燒,燉湯全部都是它。鑄鐵鍋的好處是可以先煎香材料,然後蓋上蓋子中小火燜燒,而且我都不看火。雖然價錢小貴,但是保護的好可以用一輩子喔。
August 15, 2018
It looks so delicious!!