Yami 특선
# #厨房必买清单# #Recently, I've been crazy about using Wang Yuanji's cast iron Su pot to cook. The food is super delicious! This pot is very different from ordinary pots. It uses the traditional handmade uncoated iron pot. The large capacity can prevent oil splashing well, and there is no need to worry about overflow when cooking. It has a fir wood lid, which feels very retro, but I don't know if it will get moldy. It needs to be air-dried after each use. The auxiliary ears are woven with straw ropes, so it's not easy to get hot when picked up. The main pot is uncoated and there is no need to worry about sticking when cooking. Heat the pot before use. The specific method is as follows: 1. First use detergent and appropriate amount of clean water to clean and wipe dry. 2. After drying, pour a small amount of vegetable oil and wipe the entire surface of the pot with kitchen paper. 3. Use a low heat to heat the pot to make the oil film more uniform. It takes 3-5 minutes. 4. Let it cool down. After it is completely cooled, continue to heat the pot on a low heat. 5. Heat it with an appropriate amount of oil while wiping it. Let the pot stand overnight and you can use it. The pot is quite thick and conducts heat very quickly. It is friendly to all stoves, including gas stoves and induction cookers. The fried dishes are full of gas and delicious!
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Yami 특선 # #厨房必买清单# #最近疯狂使用王源吉铸铁苏锅做饭🍳,做出来的饭菜超级香! 这款锅跟普通锅很不一样,它是使用了传统手工古法的无涂层铁锅,非常大的容量可以很好的防溅油,而且炒菜不怕溢出来,带杉木盖,感觉木盖很复古,就是不知道容不容易发霉,每次用完得风干。副耳是草绳编织的,拿起来不易烫手,主锅是不涂层的炒菜的时候不怕会粘锅。 使用之前先开锅,具体方法如下: 1.先用洗洁精加上适量清水,清洗干净并擦干水分 2.擦干后倒入少量植物油,用厨房纸将锅体表面全部擦一遍 3.使用小火把锅加热令油膜更均匀,用时3-5分钟 4.放凉冷却完全放凉后,继续开小火把锅加热 5.再用适量油加热边擦拭将锅静置一晚就可以使用 锅体相当厚实,导热非常快,炒菜啊炒菜煎蛋🍳都不糊底,所有炉灶都友好,煤气炉,电磁炉都ok。炒好的菜锅气好足,美味十足!