Yami 특선
#Free suitcases are delicious! ##Immersive unboxing# The screen is full. A large box of relief food I bought from Yami has arrived. I have transformed into the happiest Liuzi. Beef tendon noodles. I saw that the beef tendon noodles were restocked and placed an order immediately. After soaking in cold water for 15 minutes, I packed them and sealed them for 30 minutes. They are chewy and smooth. I added some cucumber shreds, peanuts, minced garlic and half of the chili oil. It is very fragrant. It is worthy of being a special snack loved by people in the northwest! Hehehe Laoshan Cola, the Chinese people’s own cola, I have never drunk it before, I bought it to try, and it tastes like plum candy, which is strange and delicious~ Xinqitian soft candy, I often see it recently, and it is a pop mart co-branded model😍I couldn’t help but buy grape flavor and peach flavor, the fruity flavor is super strong, super stress relief Cai Linji mixed noodle sauce, I always couldn’t eat enough of Cai Linji’s hot dry noodles before, and I saw the mixed noodle sauce on the shelves, I rushed in immediately! Any noodles cooked with this sauce pack will have that flavor! Yami is so thoughtful! Shanghaojia onion rings! I always buy them. The onion fragrance is slightly sweet with cream. It’s super addictive, just like the taste of childhood. The big pack is super cost-effective~ The hot spicy ramen in the tumbler is better than the ordinary golden ramen! Add a poached egg when cooking, and it should be a little runny. The soup base is fresh and spicy, and the noodles are also chewy! Finally, I put them all in the suitcase that came with the mooncakes from Shen Dacheng that I bought during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The quality of this suitcase is better than I thought. The size is a little smaller than the 16-inch one. It is super convenient to use it to carry small things and cosmetics when I go out!
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Yami 특선 #免费的行李箱就是香香!##沉浸式亚米开箱#满到溢出屏幕,在亚米买的一大箱救济粮到货啦,华丽变身为最幸福的留子🌟 牛筋面眼疾手快看到牛筋面补货了,立马下单,凉水泡15分钟之后装起来密封30分钟又筋道又爽滑,弄点黄瓜丝、花生米、蒜末和辣椒油一半,老香了,不愧是西北人钟爱的特色小吃! 嘻嘻嘻崂山可乐,中国人自己的可乐,之前没喝过,买来试试,喝起来有种话梅糖的感觉,又怪又好喝的感觉~ 新期天软糖,最近老是刷到,还是pop mart联名款 😍没忍住买了葡萄味和桃子味,果味超浓,超解压 蔡林记拌面酱,之前买蔡林记的热干面老是吃不够,看到上架了拌面酱,立马冲!随便煮个面配这个酱包都有那味儿!亚米实在太周到 上好佳洋葱圈!我的每次必买,洋葱香中带着奶油微甜,超上头,就是童年的味道。大包超划算嘟~ 不倒翁热辣拉面,比普通的金拉面要好吃!煮的时候加一个荷包蛋,要带点溏心的那种,汤底鲜鲜辣辣,面条也是有韧劲那种! 最后都放到之前中秋买的沈大成月饼送的行李箱里,这个行李箱质量比我想象中的要好一些, 尺寸比16寸的要小一点,平时出去的时候拿来装小东西和化妆品超方便!