Yami 특선
# 新春甜茶 ## 新春甜茶 # Blossomly tea Huaguoxuan five kinds of flower and fruit tea super complete review‼ ️🔥 Thank you very much to Yami for giving this valuable opportunity to test Huaguoxuan’s five flower and fruit teas! As a Yami fan who loves to drink flower tea, Huaguoxuan’s flower and fruit tea is really to my liking! There are five kinds of fruit teas I received, namely grapefruit lemon passion fruit fruit tea, blueberry peach dark red rose fruit tea, strawberry pineapple coconut fruit tea, peach snow pear osmanthus oolong tea flower fruit tea, vine fruit tea. Cranberry lemon fig flower tea! Next, let’s evaluate them carefully for everyone! 🍵Appearance and packaging The packaging of each fruit tea is very elegant and fits the name of the corresponding fruit tea very well. Each flavor is individually packaged and contains 5 small sealed packages, making it easy to carry and eat! 🍵Raw materials From the pictures I took, you can see that the ingredients they use are very natural and practical. They are all carefully selected high-quality scented tea or dried fruit slices. They do not contain any miscellaneous ingredients. The formula is clear at a glance, so you can eat with confidence! 🍵Taste and efficacy 🌸Grapefruit Lemon Passion Fruit Flower Tea Efficacy: Antioxidant helps whitening, moisturizing intestines and laxative. Taste: Passion fruit has a strong aroma and is slightly sour! 🌸Blueberry Peach Dark Red Rose Fruit Tea Efficacy: Reduce swelling and detoxification, lighten spots and whiten, soothe and reduce stress! Taste: Comes with rock sugar, sweet and delicious, the rose scent combined with the peach flavor is very attractive! This is my favorite flavor! 🌸Strawberry Pineapple Coconut Flower Tea Efficacy: Efficient fat reduction Taste: Slightly sour, tangy coconut aroma, charming aroma! 🌸Peach Sydney Pear Osmanthus Oolong Tea Flower Fruit Tea Efficacy: Burn fat, lose weight, antioxidant and lower blood pressure. Taste: Oolong tea has a rich aroma, with a hint of peach and osmanthus aroma! This one is highly recommended for babies who like to drink tea! 🌸Cranberry lemon fig flower tea Efficacy: Antioxidant and whitening, promoting body fluids and quenching thirst, promoting digestion! Taste: Slightly sour and sweet, with strong cranberry flavor! I like each flavor of these five scented teas very much. I brew a pot of tea every day and enjoy the quiet time. I feel that my life has become more beautiful. I highly recommend it!
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Yami 특선 # 新春甜茶 ## 新春甜茶 # Blossomly tea花果轩五款花果茶超全测评‼️🔥 非常感谢亚米给予这次众测花果轩五款花果茶的宝贵机会!作为一款爱喝花茶的亚米fans,花果轩的花果茶实在是太对我胃口啦! 我收到的花果茶有五种,分别是西柚柠檬百香果花果茶、蓝莓蜜桃墨红玫瑰花果茶、草莓菠萝椰椰花果茶、蜜桃雪梨桂花乌龙茶花果茶、蔓越莓柠檬无花果花果茶!接下来给大家仔细测评下他们吧! 🍵外观与包装 每款果茶的包装都很素雅,与对应的花果茶名字十分契合,每一种口味都是独立包装,内含5小包密封包装,方便携带与食用! 🍵原料 从我拍的图可以看出,他家用料特别自然实在,都是精心挑选的优质花茶或者水果晒干的切片,不含杂料,配方表一目了然,吃的放心! 🍵口感与功效 🌸西柚柠檬百香果花果茶 功效:抗氧化助美白,润肠通便。 口感:百香果香味浓郁,微酸! 🌸蓝莓蜜桃墨红玫瑰花果茶 功效:消肿解毒、淡斑美白,舒缓减压! 口味:自带冰糖,香甜可口,玫瑰气息配上蜜桃味十分诱人!这是我最喜欢的味道! 🌸草莓菠萝椰椰花果茶 功效:高效减脂 口感:微酸,椰香扑鼻,香气迷人! 🌸蜜桃雪梨桂花乌龙茶花果茶 功效:燃烧脂肪、减肥瘦身,抗氧化降血压。 口感:乌龙茶茶香浓郁,带有淡淡的蜜桃桂花香气!喜欢喝茶的宝宝非常推荐这一款! 🌸蔓越莓柠檬无花果花果茶 功效:抗氧化美白、生津止渴、促进消化! 口感:微酸带甜,蔓越莓气息浓郁! 这五款花茶每个口味我都很喜欢,每天泡上一壶茶,享受静谧的时光,感觉生活都变美了,非常推荐喔!