Yami 특선
I bought the Ubras Commuting Little Flower Back Hook Bra on Yami, let’s unbox it📦~ The lace design is really pretty, and it doesn’t feel tacky at all when I get it 😂 I have been wearing wire-free bras for the past few years (I started wearing them when “Inside and Out” became popular), and once I got used to them, I couldn’t live without them anymore. The previous bra pads without wires were not fixed, so the overall support effect was not particularly good, and the pads would move around every time I washed clothes, which was a bit troublesome to sort out. Ubras is a fixed coaster, which provides necessary support while maintaining the natural shape of the breasts. It is very friendly for big friends. Too much push up can easily make you look fat... The overall texture is very comfortable and easy to touch. It's slippery up there. Wearing close-fitting clothes outside will not show any traces at all, so you can rest assured! Compared to pull-over bras without wires, I prefer this kind of bra with a back buckle, which makes it easier to put on and take off. The length of this shoulder strap can be adjusted, and the thin shoulder strap also gives more room for outer clothing. There is no problem in exposing the shoulder strap when wearing black clothes. # 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 全球购 #
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Yami 특선 在亚米上入了Ubras的通勤小花漾背勾式文胸,来个开箱📦~ 花边的设计真的有点好看诶,拿到手感觉一点都不土😂 我这几年一直穿无钢圈的内衣(从“内外”刚刚火起来就入手了),习惯了之后就再也离不开了。之前的无钢圈内衣胸垫都不是固定的,所以整体的承托效果不是特别好,而且每次洗衣服胸垫都会乱跑,整理的时候有点麻烦。 Ubras这款是固定杯垫,提供了必要的支撑,同时也保持了胸部的自然形态,对于大🐻的朋友们来说很友好哦,太push up了容易显胖… 整体的质感很舒服,摸上去滑溜溜的。外面穿贴身的衣服是完全看不出痕迹的,可以放心! 相比套头的无钢圈内衣,我更喜欢这种有背扣的,穿脱感觉还是会更方便一点。这款肩带的长度可以调节,细肩带也给了外面的衣服更多发挥的空间,穿黑色衣服的时候露出肩带也没什么问题。 # 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 全球购 #