Yami 특선
# 全球购 # Yami Good Things I Must-Have Good Things for Travel Special Forces The special forces-style tourism of contemporary young people is fun, but a bit expensive. The main focus of the tour is efficiency. 24 hours a day, one-third of the time is spent wandering around various attractions. When I traveled to Japan before, I put this foot patch in my shopping list. After using it, I was completely amazed. After I put it on my feet, I felt cool and refreshing when I used it. I felt my feet were sore the next day. All have been alleviated, super suitable for traveling and running wild special forces I found this product online and bought two pieces with the idea of ​​trying it out. The price is also very good, less than $2. You can soak your feet before going to bed, and then wait until you are ready to sleep. Just stick it on your feet. It contains Korean ginseng and natural tree sap, which can help discharge impurities from the body and promote metabolism. When using it, be sure to keep your feet dry, otherwise it will affect the stickiness of the foot patch. After waking up, you will find that the foot patch is nowhere to be found. In addition to the soles of the feet, this can also be used for the soles of the feet, shoulders, and waist.
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Yami 특선 # 全球购 # 亚米好物 I 旅游特种兵必备出行好物 当代年轻人的特种兵式旅游,好玩是好玩,就是有点费脚,游玩主打一个效率,一天24小时,其中三分之一的时间都在暴走于各个景点之中。之前去日本旅游的时候,会在购物清单中种草了这款足贴,用完之后一整个被惊艳,贴在脚上之后,使用起来感觉冰冰爽爽的,第二天起来感觉脚的酸痛都有被缓解到,超级适合旅游暴走特种兵 在网上刷到了这款,便抱着尝鲜的想法入了两片,价格也很美好,不到二刀的价格。睡前可以泡个脚,然后等到准备睡觉的时候, 贴在脚上就可以,添加了高丽人参、天然树液的成分,可以帮助排出体内杂物,促进新陈代谢,使用的时候,一定要让足部保持干爽,不然会影响足贴的黏性,然后睡醒后就会发现足贴已不知去处。除了脚底板之外,这个还可以用于脚掌肩、肩膀、腰的位置