It’s time for health preservation again. When we talked about the topic of health preservation before, I always felt that there is no need to look at it any time now. It’s not too much to start... It is suitable for all seasons.. If the humidity is too heavy, people tend to lose energy, and the face and hair also tend to be oily. Have a cup of Poria cocos paste, lighten the body and clear the heart, and do subtraction for health.. # 消肿排毒 ## 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationfd53bdf9a a9c4c69bdf98210f83e636f ## 亚米经验值+1 #

又到养生时间了,之前说到养生的话题,总觉得还不需要现在来看任何时候开始都不为过呀...方家铺子获苓膏,很不错的一款养生膏,不寒不热,四季都很适用..湿气太重,人就容易没精神,脸上和头发也爱出油,来一杯茯苓膏,轻身又清心,为健康做减法..# 消肿排毒 ## 方家铺子 ## 亚米经验值+1 #