# 方家铺子 #元吉八宝粥米, 💪🏼The packaging bag is very beautiful, you can see the ingredients on the side, fresh and visible, and it tastes soft when cooked. 🥜🥜🥜Rich ingredients: glutinous rice, mung beans, red beans, rhubarb rice, corn mu, Barley kernels, black rice, raised barley. This eight-treasure porridge does not need to be soaked in advance, it can be cooked directly like white rice, which is convenient and good news for eight people. #情你收下吧!#
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# 方家铺子 #元气八宝粥米,💪🏼包装袋挺漂亮,侧面可以看到食材,新鲜看得见,煮起来味道软糯,🥜🥜🥜配料丰富:糯米、绿豆、红小豆、大黄米、玉米穆、大麦仁、黑米、养麦米。这款八宝粥还不用提前浸泡,可以直接和煮白米饭一样,方便,早八人的福音。# 情你收下吧! #