ChaCha caramelized melon seeds, net weight 160 grams, 510 calories, packaging bag with bright golden background color, origin is Thailand, upright paper plastic bag with rounded corner design, moisture-proof and oxygen-proof, good quality Crisp and fragrant, it is fresh and easy to knock after opening, and it is not affected by the temperature. It is the first time I tried this brand of caramel-flavored melon seeds in my memory. The particles are full, uniform in size, and the caramel is slightly sweet.

# 亚米经验值+1 #
ChaCha 洽洽焦糖瓜子,净含量一百六十克,热量五百一十卡路里,包装袋以亮眼的金黄为底色,产地是泰国,直立纸塑袋圆角设计,防潮阻氧,保质脆香,打开后新鲜好磕,没有受气温的影响变质,记忆中第一次尝试这个牌子的焦糖味瓜子,颗粒饱满、大小均匀,焦糖微甜、非常满意。