February 28, 2023
# 圣诞节氛围感 #This Korean tumbler ramen is one of my favorite instant noodles. The noodles are smooth and chewy, easy to cook and not easy to break and turn into balls after cooking for a long time. The cooked noodles are distinct , thicker and more elastic than ordinary instant noodles, one of the instant noodles worth repurchasing!
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# 春季养身计划 #这款韩国的不倒翁拉面,是我最喜欢的方便面之一,面条劲道爽滑有嚼劲,易煮而且煮久了也不易断和化成-团,煮出来的面条,条条分明,比普通的方便面粗和有弹性,非常值得回购的方便面之一!