Yami 특선

【Yami Open Course | Live Content (5)】 Reasonable Cleaning (Acne Treatment, Principles of Cleaning)

【Yami Open Class|Live Content (5)】

Lesson 2: Reasonable Cleaning (Acne Treatment, Principles of Cleaning)

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We have done these days What???

Before, we shared a lot of dry skin care products of [Yan An Tang] in the sun list

9From September 26th to September 29th, [Yan An Tang] was brought to the WeChat group of Yami Skin Care Open Class

1 hour a day The most scientific skin care basics

Full of dry goods

The editor of Yami will organize the content of the live broadcast and share it with those who are too late to listen to the live broadcast~

---The main topic is coming---

If you have acne, you can follow the previous picture Determine the stage of acne by yourself. Different states are handled differently.

If you still have acne, that is, blackheads and whiteheads, you can use certain skin care methods to get rid of the angle plugs. For example, jojoba oil, fruit Acid and salicylic acid. As mentioned earlier, jojoba oil is very similar to the wax fat in sebum, so it can easily penetrate into the hair follicle, and its permeability is better than that of ordinary oils. At the same time, the fluidity of jojoba oil is very good , it can help loosen the solid angle plug, which is more effective for open blackheads. If it is closed whiteheads, the jojoba oil is not easy to penetrate, and the effect will be less. It should be noted here that the jojoba oil The effect is a relatively slow and gentle treatment process, and it may take a few weeks to a month for the effect to appear slowly. If you want to be fast, you need the aid of tools such as acne needles or blackhead shovels. But These tools are also quite irritating to the skin, so it is not recommended for friends with sensitive skin.


For whiteheads, you can try fruit acid or salicylic acid, which can accelerate the metabolism of keratin. Excess keratin There are desmosomes (a common structure that connect cells between cells), and there are calcium ions on the desmosomes. The fruit acid is such asα-Hydroxy acid or salicylic acid can loosen desmosomes and make them easier to break. At the same time, these two acids can also penetrate into the horn plug oil like jojoba oil to help Looseness. Under these effects, it can remove blackheads and whiteheads.

Using fruit acid and salicylic acid is what we often call brushing acid. Another good effect of fruit acid is to "change "Skin", exfoliating the skin. This is the equivalent of throwing away your old clothes and putting on a new one that looks more polished and refreshed.< /p>

Using AHA and salicylic acid is equivalent to accelerating the metabolism of the skin. If you change clothes frequently, your skin barrier will always be In an immature state. Pushing the keratinocytes that are not fully prepared to the front line to fight, it may not have enough fighting power, then the entire skin barrier will be damaged. Frequent acid brushing will cause the skin barrier to get worse and worse, and external stimulation It can enter freely, and the skin may become sensitive in the end. So, be careful with acid brushing.


If the acne is already in the stage of papules or pustules, do not squeeze first. Second, you can use some antibacterial Things. After all, the bacteria have already started to enter the battlefield at this time. We can use some azelaic acid, which is a kind of azelaic acid (a kind of fruit acid). It has the effect of removing horn plugs and sterilizing.


And benzoyl peroxide, which we often say BPO. This thing is a double-edged sword.

Because the bacteria in acne are anaerobic bacteria, the role of benzoyl peroxide is to bring in oxygen, which is completely dependent on oxygen. It acts to drive out anaerobic bacteria. So you don't have to worry about drug resistance at all.

But benzoyl peroxide is a strong material, which can easily cause skin allergies. In addition, pay attention to strict sun protection during use, because it It's easy to darken the skin. It's not worth the gain if you get rid of acne and grow spots.


If there are nodules and cysts (such as squeezed pimples or some people are born with endocrine problems), it means a battlefield It has begun to spread to the dermis. At this time, it is not recommended to recruit to deal with it. It is a better choice to ask a professional doctor. Regarding medicine, I just talked about vitaminaAlcohol has a certain role in regulating oil secretion, BiweiaThe acid reaction is much milder. Vis.aAcid is a prescription drug, while vitaminaAlcohol can be used as a skin care product.


In addition, some people may have eaten different dimensionsa Drugs such as acid (such as adapalene). These drugs are the commander of the battlefield and will tell the anti-inflammatory factor to continue to work, and the part that inhibits sebum secretion to continue Do not run around the factors that cause redness, swelling and inflammation. It is equivalent to sorting out the entire chaotic battlefield in an orderly manner, and then slowly dealing with nodules or cysts. span>


The other is to directly use antibiotics to sterilize. But the problem with antibiotics is that it may lead to drug resistance, so it must be under the guidance of a doctor Use.


Then, what can I do if the acne breaks?< /p>

Actually, acne patches can be considered for use. Acne patches are an interesting product. Its earliest source is wound treatment. The hydrocolloid dressing for the wound. Studies have found that keeping the wound in a moist environment is very beneficial to its recovery.

0 p0

Acne patches promote wound healing and reduce scarring the residue. If it is a broken pimple, it is recommended to use an acne patch, which will help you to suck the pus out. You can't do this if the wound isn't broken. Of course, some acne patches will add salicylic acid, fruit acid or some antibacterial substances, and the effect will be different.

At this point, oil control and acne are basically finished.

Let's talk about cleaning.

When it comes to cleaning, everyone's first reaction is surfactant , basically all cleaning products will have it. The dirt on our bodies can basically be divided into two categories: hydrophilic and lipophilic. Hydrophilic dirt is relatively fine and can be washed off with water. Lipophilic things are immiscible with water, so a bridge is needed.

The picture shows a very standard surfactant, twelve Sodium Alkyl Sulfate. It can be seen that the head of sodium sulfate is a large hydrophilic head. The long tail at the back is dodecyl, the lipophilic part. If the strength of the hydrophilic head is very strong, it can pull the lipophilic part into the water. Conversely, the lipophilic part can pull water into the oil.

Surfactant surrounds the dirt, lipophilic The tail part holds the oil hand in hand, and then the hydrophilic part pulls vigorously into the water, so that the dirt is carried away. This is how surfactants work.

There are different types of surfactants and their effects are differentmutualNot the same. span>

Surfactants pull away the lipophilic dirt from the skin and also pull away our excess sebum. At the same time, normal The required sebum and lipids of the skin will also be pulled away. The strength of this ability to pull things away also represents the mildness of the surfactant to the skin. For example, soap bases have a very strong ability to remove oil, and Skin lipids can have a significant impact. If you have dry or sensitive skin, use soap-based products with caution. Oily skin is relatively suitable. p>


There are several common misconceptions.

The first misunderstanding, the more foam the better the cleaning ability.

In fact, there is no direct relationship between the two. For example, some people like to use sponges or bath balls for bathing. The same shower gel or soap will produce Richer foam. In fact, the surfactant concentration in it has not changed. The foam is just a result of the interaction of the surfactant and the air. As long as more air is brought into the foam water film, the foam appears to be more.


The second misunderstanding is that the skin feels astringent after washing it is not clean.< /span>

Soap-based products are most likely to have astringency. This is actually because soaps usually have potassium and sodium ions, and you use There are calcium and magnesium ions in tap water. When the sodium and potassium ions encounter calcium and magnesium ions, the solubility will become poor, forming a precipitate. This is how the skin feels astringent.< /p>

Some people like to use facial cleansers and shampoos containing sodium laureth sulfate, and they feel slippery after washing. Because This ingredient is more soluble than the soap base when it encounters calcium and magnesium ions, it will not settle out so you feel slippery. There is an interesting experiment, using a soap base product in deionized water, it will also feel slippery after washing. So, slippery The feeling and astringency have nothing to do with cleanliness.


For sensitive skin, milder surfactants should be used, that is, the surface activity of amino acids, glycosides that we often say class (APG), and betaines .

Amino acids are popular because they have a soap-like effect and feel astringent after washing, but the effect is much milder than soap bases .Glycosides are more like sodium laureth sulfate, and they feel slippery after washing. Betaines are zwitterionic surfactants, and these products are not particularly good at foaming. But we said that the foam and cleaning ability are not too good It's a big relationship, so don't be too entangled.

(To be continued...)

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Yami 특선

【亚米公开课|直播内容(五)】 合理清洁(痤疮粉刺的处理、清洁的原理)


第二课之 合理清洁(痤疮粉刺的处理、清洁的原理)




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