# 挑战$100过一周 #
$15 over the day challenge
Breakfast is white fungus and red dates porridge, super nutritious, the white fungus should be soaked in advance, then torn into small pieces, boiled on high heat, so that it is easy to glue, with a few small meat muffins $4
Have an avocado and egg sandwich for lunch on that ciabatta bread and avocado and egg sauce is perfect! $3
Dinner is curry rice. This time, I made vegetarian curry with tofu and eggs. It seems to be good. It's faster without dealing with meat. $4
about 11 a day
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# 挑战$100过一周 #
早餐是银耳红枣粥 超级营养 银耳要提前泡 然后撕小块 大火煮这样容易出胶 搭配几个小肉松饼$4
午餐吃牛油果鸡蛋三明治 用那种ciabatta 的面包 和牛油果鸡蛋酱是绝配!$3
晚餐是 咖喱饭 这次做的素咖喱 用豆腐和鸡蛋做的 好像也不错 不用处理肉更快手 $4