# 晒出你的美丽心机 # You can also buy Co Fancy on Yamibuy! Let me share with you my favorite color: Rain Mint (Green)
BC: 8.8
DIA: 14.2
The rain mint I expected is the kind of light green pattern, but it is a very natural effect when wearing it. Its outer ring is dark green, and after neutralizing with the dark pupils of our Asians, it will not look very obtrusive, but will only make your glasses look piercing.
The comfort is very good, mainly because it is light and breathable. This is recommended for girls who don't like too exaggerated contact lenses!

# 晒出你的美丽心机 # 亚米上也可以买道网红美瞳Co Fancy啦!给大家分享一下我很喜欢的色号:雨水薄荷(绿)