Yami 특선
# 養生保健 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 # As the saying goes, "you must make up every time it is dark"! Black food is indispensable for health! Recently, doctors of traditional Chinese medicine told food to eat five colors, and different colors complement different organs. ✨Five colors of ingredients help human organs as follows: Cyan - Liver/Bile Red - Heart/Small Intestine Yellow - Spleen/Stomach White - Lungs/Large Intestine black - kidney/bladder The above colors are many in vegetables and fruits, of which black is relatively rare Such as black sesame, black rice, black fungus can help kidney / bladder function ~ I can't find organic black rice in any major Asian supermarkets lately As a result, YAMI actually has ❗️👏👏👏 I always cook a pot with white rice/five-grain rice~ I tried it once and my family liked it, and I will repurchase it again! This pack of 2 pounds should be enough to eat for a while, I think it is delicious and very healthy~ Organic black rice and purple rice are both precious varieties of rice and belong to the glutinous rice category. Organic black rice contains manganese, zinc, copper and other inorganic salts that are 1 to 3 times higher than that of rice; it also contains special ingredients such as vitamin C, chlorophyll, anthocyanin, carotene and cardiac glycosides that rice lacks. Eat more organic black rice Rice has appetizing benefits, invigorating the spleen and warming the liver, improving eyesight and promoting blood circulation, smoothness and nourishing essence.
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Yami 특선 # 養生保健 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 # 俗話說「逢黑必補」!養生不可獲缺黑色食物! 最近中醫生告知食物要吃五色,不同顏色補的器官不同 ✨食材五色幫助人體器官如下: 青色-肝/膽 紅色-心/小腸 黃色- 脾/胃 白色-肺/大腸 黑色-腎/膀胱 以上顏色在蔬菜水果中很多,其中黑色是比較少見的 像是黑芝麻、黑米、黑木耳都可以幫忙腎/膀胱功能~ 最近我在各大亞洲超市都找不到有機黑米 結果YAMI 亚米 竟然有❗️👏👏👏 我都是跟白米/五穀米一起合煮一鍋~ 試了一次家屬也喜歡,我又再次回購啦! 這包2磅,應該夠吃一陣子,覺得好吃也特別健康~ 有機黑米和紫米都是稻米中的珍貴品種,屬於糯米類。有機黑米所含錳、鋅、銅等無機鹽大都比大米高1~3倍;更含有大米所缺乏的維生素C、葉綠素、花青素、胡蘿蔔素及強心甙等特殊成分,多食用有機黑米具有開胃益中,健脾暖肝,明目活血,滑澀補精之功,對於少年白髮、婦女產後虛弱,病後體虛以及貧血、腎虛均有很好的補養作用喔!