# 一周瘦身大作战 #
I feel like my breakfast is a bit similar these days 😂😂
Still a low-fat and low-salt omelette with a slice of multi-grain low-sugar bread
Start your day warm with a cup of hot unsweetened soy milk
Added some poached cauliflower coleslaw to add to the vegetable fiber community while also increasing satiety
Such a breakfast ensures a balance of carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, etc. without the risk of weight gain
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# 一周瘦身大作战 #
依旧是少油低盐煎蛋 配一片多谷物低糖面包
外加一杯热腾腾的无糖豆奶 开启暖呼呼的新一天
加了些水煮凉拌花椰菜 增加蔬菜纤维社区的同时也增加了饱腹感
这样的早饭确保碳水、蛋白质、食物纤维等等各方面均衡的同时 也不会有增重的风险