# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #After eating and drinking, drinking some millet porridge to nourish the stomach can eliminate excess fat in the body, millet diuresis and swelling, promote large intestine peristalsis and laxative effect, this time I added some sea cucumber, salty and mellow, no longer So monotonous and unforgettable. With the health pot, it is more convenient to make, use the porridge stall, put the millet and add some ginger after the water boils, put in the cleaned and cut sea cucumber after boiling, and sprinkle it after the preparation is complete. After a little salt, the sea cucumber millet porridge is finished. You can add your favorite seasonings, pepper and sesame oil ~ care for the stomach, solve constipation, lose weight and reduce lipids, the more you live, the younger you are upupup
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #大吃大喝后喝点小米粥养胃又可以消除体内多余的脂肪,小米利尿消肿,促进大肠蠕动和润便通便的作用,这次加了点海参,咸鲜醇香,不再那么单调,令人回味无穷.有了养生壶做起来更方便了,用煮粥档,水开后再放小米加了点姜丝,沸了后放入清理切好的海参,制作完成后撒了点盐巴,海参小米粥就完成啦,可以添加自己喜欢的调料,胡椒粉香油内~呵护肠胃解决便秘,减肥降脂,越活越年轻upupup