OFF WHITE new phone case 📱 Strongly not recommended! ! ! Lightning protection ❌ Quick 💲200 phone case, Not long after I bought it, it fell after just two days of wearing it. 💔 Heart is bleeding... It was raining heavily today, and I fell on the asphalt road just after going out. At that time, my heart was cold ☠️ The storm was crying This kind of leather is really not suitable for people who often drop their mobile phones. Hey😤 (It seems that the price has dropped now. But please don't be fooled by its beauty! It's useless! !
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OFF WHITE 新款手机壳📱 强烈不推荐!!!避雷避雷❌ 快💲200 的手机壳, 买了不久,刚戴上两天就就摔了 💔心在滴血… 今天下暴雨,刚出门一个没拿稳就掉在沥青路上了。 当时心就凉了☠️暴风哭泣 这种皮子真的不适合经常摔手机的人啊喂😤 (现在好像降价了, 但是还是请大家不要被它的颜值迷惑! 中看不中用!!