October 28, 2019
# 今天也是yami的一天 #I heard that it is delicious. I have never tasted this brand of milk tea. buy one and try
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# 今天也是yami的一天 #听说很好喝 没喝过这个牌子的奶茶。买一个试试看
Yami 어시스턴트
October 28, 2019
Dear, thank you for coming to the list board to post your list~ Here I will share with you a few selected tips to make it easier to improve and get more points and rewards!
亲亲 感谢你来晒单板块晒单哦~在这里跟你分享几个精选小技巧 更容易加精获得更多积分奖励哦!