I only bought one piece of Lipu taro, but I couldn’t finish it. The frozen taro balls I made last time still have a lot to eat. This time, I’m going to make mashed taro snacks. ), good fried poi into a flat bowl (easy to remove the wrap film SHOP), taken after refrigerate it can be cut when the tea # 月是故乡明 # # 三食三餐 # # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 #
If you don’t like to eat it directly, you can also use it to make egg yolk pastry or moon cake filling. Haha, if I can’t finish it, I will freeze it. It’s great to make milk or soy milk for breakfast.
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![Yami 특선](https://cdn.yamibuy.net/statics/prd-k8s/ec-website-v2/sns/images/bianjijingxuan.png)
只买了一块荔浦芋头结果也吃不完,上次做的芋圆冻在冰箱里还有好多没吃,这次就来做芋泥点心喽,用炒芋泥的方法(加炼乳和黄油),把炒好的芋泥放进一个平底碗里(铺保鲜膜容易取出),放冰箱冷藏后取出就可以切开当下午茶啦# 月是故乡明 # # 三食三餐 # # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 #
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Yami 어시스턴트
September 10, 2019
The baby is really ingenious! Upvote for you manually!