Yami 특선
This 调料 is from Red Robin, an American chain of burger restaurants. Every burger I've ordered at Red Robin has been delicious and rarely hits the mark. The meat of its burger has a unique smoky taste, which is very distinctive. If you want to eat healthier, you can replace the hamburger with lettuce and eat it with boiled broccoli. Red Robin's burger uses this 调料. This 调料 itself is used to make burgers, but through my many attempts, I found that in addition to burgers, any meat products, seafood or vegetables, put this 调料 will immediately become very It has a very complex taste and contains salt, black pepper, cane sugar, celery seed, cumin powder, oregano, sage, dried garlic, dried onion, dried tomatoes, red pepper powder, yeast extract, and natural Smoky flavor. ✨Oven Roasted Vegetables ✨ Place any vegetables you like on a baking sheet, add a pinch of salt and black pepper, and red robin seasoning, toss with olive oil. Bake in the oven at 450°F for 30 minutes. ‼ ️When choosing vegetables, pay attention to use vegetables that are more resistant to high temperature and require a longer cooking time, and do not choose vegetables with thin leaves like spinach. Suitable for use are carrots, cauliflower, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, potatoes, sweet potatoes, melons, etc. ✨Pan Fried Seafood ✨ Dry the shrimp with kitchen paper, add salt, black pepper, red robin seasoning, red pepper powder, minced garlic, lemon juice and a little olive oil, mix well and marinate for about 30 minutes. Add a small amount of oil to a cast iron pan, add the shrimp, fry until the bottom is browned, turn over and fry for about 2 minutes before serving. 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀Healthy Recipes🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 ✨Boiled/Steamed Vegetables Steamed Vegetables ✨ I believe that fitness buddies are tired of boiled broccoli. Next time, you may try adding Red robin seasoning to boiled broccoli, and the taste will no longer be single. Any boiled greens will work. ✨Baked Sweet Potato Fries✨ Both the oven and the air fryer can make these sweet potato fries. Cut the sweet potatoes into relatively wide strips, spread them flat on a baking sheet, add salt, black pepper, garlic powder, Red robin seasoning, (ratio 2:1:2:1), add a little olive oil and mix well. Put in the oven at 420°F for 30 minutes, turning over about 15 minutes in between. # 调料 # # 我要上精选 #
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Yami 특선 这款调料是全美连锁的汉堡店Red Robin出的。在Red Robin我点过的每一款汉堡都很好吃,很少踩雷。它家汉堡的肉有独特的烟熏口感,非常有特色。想吃的健康一些就可以用生菜代替汉堡饼,配水煮西兰花吃。Red Robin的汉堡用的就是这款调料。 这款调料本身是用来做汉堡的,但是通过我的多次尝试,我发现除了汉堡之外,任何肉制品,海鲜或蔬菜,放上这款调料都立马变得非常香。 它的口感非常复合不单一,里面含有盐,黑胡椒,蔗糖,芹菜籽,孜然粉,牛至,鼠尾草,干蒜,干洋葱,干西红柿,红椒粉,酵母提取,和天然烟熏味道。 ✨烤蔬菜 Oven Roasted Vegetables ✨ 在烤盘上放任意喜欢的蔬菜,加少量盐和黑胡椒,和red robin seasoning,用橄榄油拌匀。送入烤箱450华氏度烤30分钟。 ‼️在选择蔬菜上注意要用比较耐高温,烹饪时间需要较长的蔬菜,不要选用像菠菜这种叶片较薄的蔬菜。 适合用的有胡萝卜,菜花,芦笋,孢子甘蓝,西兰花,土豆,红薯,瓜类等 ✨煎海鲜 Pan Fried Seafood ✨ 将虾用厨房纸擦干,加盐,黑胡椒,red robin seasoning,红椒粉,蒜末,柠檬汁少许橄榄油,拌匀后腌制30分钟左右。在铸铁锅中加少量油,放入虾,煎至底面出现焦黄色后翻面煎2分钟左右即可盛出。 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀健康食谱🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 ✨水煮/清蒸蔬菜 Steamed Vegetables ✨ 相信健身的小伙伴们都吃腻了水煮西兰花,下次不妨试试在水煮西兰花里加上Red robin seasoning,马上口味就不再单一。任何水煮青菜都适用。 ✨无油红薯薯条 Baked Sweet Potato Fries✨ 烤箱和空气炸锅都可以做这款红薯薯条。将红薯切成比较宽的长条,平铺在烤盘上一层,加入盐,黑胡椒,蒜粉,Red robin seasoning,(比值2:1:2:1),加少量橄榄油拌匀。送入烤箱420 华氏度30分钟,中间15分钟左右翻面。 # 调料 # # 我要上精选 #