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Editer Recommend

2. 以近几年雅思真题为基础和依据,真实性、针对性强,再现雅思阅读真题原貌
3. 每本书24篇文章、8个TEST,按考试模块构建,采用递进式训练模式,是雅思考前不可多得的复习材料
Content Description

《7+雅思预测机经 阅读1》系列图书以近几年雅思真题为基础和依据,真实性、针对性强,再现雅思阅读真题原貌。本套图书内容完全经过考证,真实可靠。本套书籍共5册、120篇文章,内容设置按考试模块构建。8个TEST(一本书)为一个阶段,采用递进式训练模式,是雅思考前不可多得的复习材料。
Author Description

郑仁强,北京外国语大学英语语言文学学士,历任全国医护英语考试办公室学术顾问,新东方前途出国文书专员,北京新东方学校雅思名师,环球网校雅思写作唯一合作名师,YY8640频道创始人,郑仁强和他的小伙伴们教育科技有限公司董事长兼CEO、读书客文化传播有限公司董事长兼CEO,欢聚时代旗下100教育副总经理。他是一位纯粹学术派雅思教师。因每年教授的雅思学员数量较多(据说业内最多,超过百名),并且成绩有口皆碑,故得绰号“雅思VIP之王”。他从大三时就开始研究剑桥系统的考试,并教授剑桥系统的考试课程,老少通吃无所不能。曾获剑桥MSE执教证书,结业分数在当期受训的所有教师中名列第一。他接触并通晓了整个剑桥系统考试的思路、理念、传统、规则。之后在全国医护英语水平考试办公室学术部的工作经历,又使他能够从测试学的角度看待各类英语考试。与众不同的经历,造就了“强”强老师对于雅思考试的独到见解。郑仁强同众人眼中的“培训行业老师”差距较大。幽默不多,江湖味很淡,授课风格清晰、简练、学术。注重实力培养,鄙视所谓“技巧”传授。课堂用语中 没有一般老师的“应该”,“大概”,“也许”,取而代之的是大篇幅的“绝对”,“必须”,“一定”,从不给学生模糊的概念和建议,从不给自己的话留有余地,从来坚信自己所讲的,故有人赞其“艺高人胆大”。

Test 1
Blue-Footed Boobies
Artists’ Fingerprints
The Secret of the Yawn
Test 2
The History of Tea
Theory of Mind in Children
Test 3
Child Development in Western Societies
We Have Star Performers
John Franklin: The Discovery of Slowness
Test 4
Eco-Resort Management Practices
European Skull Were Found in New Zealand
British Architecture
Test 5
Rural Transport Plan of “Practical Action”
Leaf-Cutting Ants and Fungus
The Accidental Scientists
Test 6
The Pearl
Corporate Social Responsibility
Paper or Computer
Test 7
Bondi Beach
Density and Crowding
The Culture of Chimpanzee
Test 8
Magnetic Therapy
Dugong: Sea Cow
Language Strategy in Multinational Company
Book Abstract

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1–13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.
Blue-Footed Boobies
A Boobies are a small group of seabirds native to tropical and subtropical oceans throughout the world. Their diet consists mainly of fish, due to the fact that they live along the ocean coast. They are specialised fish eaters feeding on small school fish like sardines, anchovies, mackerel, and flying fish. When their prey is in sight, they fold their long wings back around their streamlined bodies and plunge into the water from as high as 80 feet, so streamlined they barely make a splash. Certain type of boobies can even dive from a sitting position on the water’s surface. They travel in group of about 12 to areas of water with large schools of small fish. When the lead bird sees a fish shoal in the water, it will signal the rest of the group and they will all dive together. Surprisingly, individuals do not eat with the hunting group, preferring to eat on their own, usually in the early morning or late afternoon.
B Boobies are goose-sized birds, heavily built with thick necks and large heads, a wedge-shaped tail, and short legs with webbed feet. The bill is stout, broad at the base and tapering to a point. The wings are long and pointed and boobies are powerful and agile fliers, their flight contrasting with their clumsiness on land in the same way as the albatross.
C There are three varieties on the Galapagos: the blue-footed, red-footed, and masked boobies. They are all members of the same family, and are not only different in appearance but also in behaviours. The blue-footed and red-footed boobies mate throughout the year, while the masked boobies have an annual mating cycle that differs from island to island. All catch fish in a similar manner, but in different areas: the blue-footed booby does its fishing close to shore, while the masked booby goes slightly farther out, and the red-footed booby fishes at the farthest distances from shore.
D Although it is unknown where the name “Booby” emanates from, some conjecture it may come from the Spanish word for clown, “bobo”, meaning “stupid”. Its name was probably inspired by the bird’s clumsiness on land and apparently unwarranted bravery. The blue footed booby is extremely vulnerable to human visitors because it does not appear to fear them. Therefore these birds received such name for their clumsiness on land in which they were easily captured, killed, and eaten by humans.
E The blue-footed booby’s characteristic feet play a significant part in their famous courtship ceremony, the “booby dance”. During mating rituals, male birds show off their feet to prospective mates with a high-stepping strut. The bluer the feet, the more attractive the mate. The male walks around the female, raising his bright blue feet straight up in the air, while bringing his “shoulders” towards the ground and crossing the bottom tips of his wings high above the ground. Plus he’ll raise his bill up towards the sky (“skypointing”) to try to win his mate over. The female may also partake in these activities — lifting her feet, skypointing, and of course squawking at her mate. After mating, another ritual occurs — the nest-building which ironically is never used because they nest on the bare ground. When the female is ready to lay her eggs, they scrape the existing nest away so she can nest on exposed ground. Sun-baked islands form the booby’s breeding grounds. When ready the female Blue Footed Booby lays one to three eggs.
F After mating, two or three eggs are laid in a shallow depression on flat or gently sloping ground. Both male and female take turns incubating the eggs. Unlike most birds, booby doesn’t develop brood patches (areas of bare skin on the breast) to warm the eggs during incubation. Instead, it uses its broad webbed feet, which have large numbers of prominent blood vessels, to transmit heat essential for incubation. The eggs are thick-shelled so they can withstand the full weight of an incubating bird. The incubation period is 41–45 days. Usually, one to two chicks are hatched from the two to three eggs originally laid. The male and female share parental responsibilities.
G After hatching, the male plays a major role in bringing fish home. He can bring back a constant supply of small fish for the chicks, which must be fed continuously. The reason is that the male has a longer tail than the female in relation to his body size, which makes him able to execute shallower dives and to feed closer to shore. Then the female takes a greater part as time proceeds. Sooner or later, the need to feed the young becomes greater than the need to protect them and both adults must fish to provide enough.
H When times are good, the parents may successfully fledge all three chicks, but in harder times, they may still lay as many eggs yet only obtain enough food to raise one. The problem is usually solved by the somewhat callous-sounding system of “opportunistic sibling murder”. The first-born chick is larger and stronger than its nest mate(s) as a result of being hatched a few days earlier and also because the parents feed the larger chick first. If food is scarce, the first born will get more food than its nest mate(s) and will outcompete them, causing them to starve. The above system optimizes the reproductive capacity of the blue-footed in an unpredictable environment. The system ensures that, if possible, at least one chick will survive a period of shortage rather than all three die of starvation under a more “humane” system.
Questions 1–6
Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs, A–H.
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A, C and E–H from the list below.
Write the correct number, i–x, in boxes 1–6 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i Distinctive method of hatching the next generation
ii The differences between the blue-footed and red-footed boobies
iii The useless nest-building
iv Rearing the young
v Species of boobies
vi Seeking for delicacy
vii How to survive with finite food resources
viii Mating and breeding
ix Naming of the booby
x Physical characteristics of the booby
1 Paragraph A
Paragraph B x
2 Paragraph C
Paragraph D ix
3 Paragraph E
4 Paragraph F
5 Paragraph G
6 Paragraph H
Questions 7–9
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 7–9 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
7 This clumsy bird is occasionally scared by human activities.
8 Male boobies tend to take in more fish than the female ones.
9 During the food shortage period, parents would choose to feed the first-born kid while giving up the rest.
Questions 10–13
Complete the summary below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from Reading Passage 1 for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 10–13 on your answer sheet.
The blue-footed booby’s mating ceremony, the “booby dance”, requires the male positions his feet and wings as a settled posture with his bills 10 . If the female accepts the courtship, she would also perf


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중국 판매자는 주문 후 영업일 기준 2일 후에 상품을 발송합니다. 모든 택배는 Yami 중국통합센터(특별한 상황 및 중국 내 개별 법정 공휴일 제외)에 도착하여 택배를 합친 후 UPS를 통해 미국으로 배송됩니다. UPS는 중국에서 발송 후 미국까지 평균 10영업일 정도 소요되며 직배송 주문 번호에 따라 수시로 추적 및 조회할 수 있습니다 전염병의 영향으로 현재 물류가 5일 정도 지연될 수 있습니다. 택배는 고객 서명이 필요합니다. 서명하지 않은 경우 고객은 택배가 분실될 위험을 부담하게 됩니다.


서비스 보장

69이상 주문 시 무료 배송
정품 보증

배송 정보

Yami Consolidated Shipping배송비$9.99($69 이상 주문 시 무료 배송)

Seller will ship the orders within 1-2 business days. The logistics time limit is expected to be 7-15 working days. In case of customs clearance, the delivery time will be extended by 3-7 days. The final receipt date is subject to the information of the postal company.

포인트 규칙

모든 품목은 Yamibuy 의 프로모션이나 포인트 이벤트에서 제외됩니다.

반품 및 교환 정책

제품을 받으신 후 30일 이내에 제품을 반품하실 수 있습니다. 반품된 품목은 구매에 대한 원본 송장을 포함하여 원래 포장된 새 품목이어야 합니다. 고객이 자신의 비용으로 제품을 반품합니다.


Yami 앱 다운로드

맨 위로 돌아가기

당신을 위한 추천

브랜드 스토리

Jingdong book


欣叶 御大福 芋头麻薯 180g

周销量 600+

$1.66 $1.99 83折
欣叶 御大福 芋头麻薯 180g

周销量 600+

$1.66 $1.99 83折
欣叶 御大福 芋头麻薯 180g

周销量 600+

$1.66 $1.99 83折
欣叶 御大福 芋头麻薯 180g

周销量 600+

$1.66 $1.99 83折
欣叶 御大福 芋头麻薯 180g

周销量 600+

$1.66 $1.99 83折
欣叶 御大福 芋头麻薯 180g

周销量 600+

$1.66 $1.99 83折

리뷰{{'('+ commentList.posts_count + ')'}}

당신의 체험을 공유하고 더 많은 사용자가 선택할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

리뷰 작성
{{ totalRating }} 리뷰 작성
  • {{i}}별

    {{i}} 별

    {{ parseInt(commentRatingList[i]) }}%

Yami Yami
{{ comment.user_name }}

{{ showTranslate(comment) }}접기

{{ strLimit(comment,800) }}전체 보기

Show Original

{{ comment.content }}

모두 보기

{{ formatTime(comment.in_dtm) }} 구매 완료 {{groupData}}

{{ comment.likes_count }} {{ comment.likes_count }} {{ comment.reply_count }} {{comment.in_user==uid ? __('Delete') : __('Report')}}
Yami Yami
{{ comment.user_name }}

{{ showTranslate(comment) }}접기

{{ strLimit(comment,800) }}전체 보기

Show Original

{{ comment.content }}

모두 보기

{{ formatTime(comment.in_dtm) }} 구매 완료 {{groupData}}

{{ comment.likes_count }} {{ comment.likes_count }} {{ comment.reply_count }} {{comment.in_user==uid ? __('Delete') : __('Report')}}

조건에 맞는 리뷰가 없습니다

리뷰 상세

Yami Yami

{{ showTranslate(commentDetails) }}접기

{{ strLimit(commentDetails,800) }}전체 보기

Show Original

{{ commentDetails.content }}

모두 보기

{{ formatTime(commentDetails.in_dtm) }} 구매 완료 {{groupData}}

{{ commentDetails.likes_count }} {{ commentDetails.likes_count }} {{ commentDetails.reply_count }} {{commentDetails.in_user==uid ? __('Delete') : __('Report')}}

내용을 입력하세요

답변{{'(' + replyList.length + ')'}}

Yami Yami

{{ showTranslate(reply) }}접기

{{ strLimit(reply,800) }}전체 보기

Show Original

{{ reply.reply_content }}

{{ formatTime(reply.reply_in_dtm) }}

{{ reply.reply_likes_count }} {{ reply.reply_likes_count }} {{ reply.reply_reply_count }} {{reply.reply_in_user==uid ? __('Delete') : __('Report')}}

내용을 입력하세요


지금까지의 모든 리뷰입니다!

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상품 평점

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최근 본 상품

브랜드 스토리

Jingdong book