쑥 배꼽 패치 30개입 1 개 구매후기
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관련 구매후기(5)
“# 冬日养生 #The packaging of Renhe Mugwort Navel Pills is really beautiful and exquisite. There is a small bottle inside with all the pills inside. It is said to dispel cold, but I used one bottle and it didn’t feel too big. Continue Keep using it and see!”
@ 🥂小小大梦想
“# 我的囤货清单 #This retro-looking little box contains a wormwood sticker set. The wormwood pills in the small jar were placed in the position of the navel, and then fixed with the matching tape in the other small bag. Wormwood can help drive away the cold, and it has a good smell of traditional Chinese”
“# 我的囤货清单 #Spring is the cold weather of spring, and maintenance is necessary. I bought this wormwood navel sticker from Renhe and plan to take good care of it in the spring, because wormwood can remove body dampness and improve symptoms such as body cold and constipation. Pure Chinese medicine is v”
“# YamiSakuraSeason #Renhe 18 Flavor Navel Sticker Belly Button StickerRenhe is an old brand of traditional Chinese medicine. I havent used this Ai Du squeezing patch yet. It looks pretty good. I dont know how it works. What is its effect?”
Yami 앱 다운로드
의견 피드백
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