The old byebye cleans up the dried mascara
L'Oreal Lush Paradise Waterproof Mascara &
Innisfree Skinny Long & Fine Mascara
Innisfree Skinny is very skinny and delicate. After Yami was planted and weeded, the first time I used it, I really felt weird and too slender, but I didn't expect it to be very easy to apply under the eyelashes, not at all. There are sticky legs of flies, the roots are distinct, and it is very convenient to carry and touch up makeup
These two are actually quite easy to use cheap partners, thick coat eyelashes, thin coat lower eyelashes! But the ones that are not banned have been dried up, but they are still lying in the cosmetic bag, just the right time to say bye-bye to the old things
Tips: Curl the eyelashes with an eyelash curler first, and then use the eyelash curler to curl the roots of the mascara after the first application is dry, and apply it again for the second time, it will not only be thicker and longer, but also more curled
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旧物byebye 清理已经干干掉的睫毛膏
浓密卷翘的欧莱雅Lush Paradise防水睫毛膏&
悦诗风吟Innisfree Skinny纤长精细睫毛膏
悦诗风吟Innisfree Skinny是非常skinny精巧,在亚米被种草拔草以后,第一次用时真的觉得怪怪的,也太纤细了,但没想到涂下睫毛竟然很好用,完全不会出现苍蝇腿粘连,根根分明,而且非常方便携带补妆
这两款其实还蛮好用的平价搭档,浓密涂上睫毛,纤细涂下睫毛!可是不禁用的已经干干掉,但依然躺在化妆包里 恰此机会跟旧物say bye-bye
小技巧: 先睫毛夹夹过睫毛,第一遍涂抹待干后再次用睫毛夹把涂过睫毛膏的根部夹卷翘,第二遍再涂抹,不但会更浓密纤长也会更卷翘
# 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 旧物集中营 # # 亚米什么值得买 #